Logan and I went to The Museum of World Treasures downtown last Thursday. We won a scavenger hunt and Logan got to pick his own shark's tooth. It was a very interesting place full of awesome artifacts, of course, we were very rushed because Logan was more excited about winning the hunt. As well, I don't think he liked the mummies, nor the giant buddha's very much. As a matter of fact it was quite a challenge getting him to pose for pictures. If you'll notice on the last picture posted I got him to get in the Indian Tipi but it wasn't until during picture editing that I noticed he had stuck his tongue out at me. Ray and I laughed about it all night.
After the museum we stopped by Uncle Ray's work across the street and Logan got to show off his prize plus a crystal rock we got from the gift shop. Lolo helped us break the rock when we got home to get the crystal from inside, and we even damaged a pair of Lala's socks in the process. Of course, Logan and I agreed it was all Lolo's fault =P

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